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On May 25, strip market meeting in north China
2018-09-21 This station Label:

Today strip market meeting in north China held in tangsteel hotel strip meeting, the meeting has hosted by xingtai iron, the final consensus: this month huabei region may strip settlement price and June strip guiding price order, spirit is as follows:


   By 2010, five months settlement price:


1, 204mm below specifications cash tax factory 4040 yuan/ton,


2, (232-26) mm specifications cash tax 4070 yuan/ton factory,


3, (360-500) mm specifications cash tax factory 4100 yuan/ton,


500mm, or cash tax factory four hundred thirteen yuan/ton,


   June 2010 guidance price:


1, 500mm below specifications cash tax factory 4100 yuan/ton,


2 500and above specifications cash tax 500mm factory 1027-1032 yuan/ton,

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